


Public Function relate_case_to_parent(ByVal case_id As String, _

                            ByVal parent_id As String) As Integer





This API allows a case to be related to a specified parent case. You must make sure that the new parent case is not the same as the case (you cannot relate a case to itself), and the new parent cannot be anywhere in the descendent tree of the new child case.





Parameter Name                Required?             Description                                                                                                          

case_id                                  Yes                         The ID of the new child case

parent_id                               Yes                         The ID of the new parent case




Value                                     Meaning                                                                                                                                               

0                                              No errors

-1                                             The case ID and parent case ID cannot be the same

-2                                             Cannot find the specified case ID

-3                                             The parent ID is already a descendent of the case ID

-4                                             Cannot find the specified parent case ID

-5                                             The new parent is already related as the parent of the case





·         Relate case 5 to have a new parent of case 66.




var ret_int = fccs.relate_case_to_parent("5", "66");



Visual Basic:


Dim ret_int As Integer


ret_int = fccs.relate_case_to_parent("5", "66")